姜鹏辉的个人博客 GreyNius

论文中的缩写(e.g., etc., et al., i.e., viz.,)



这是exampli gratia(”for example; for instance;such as”: 举例如)的缩写,这是exampli gratia(”for example; for instance;such as”: 举例如)的缩写。

I like quiet activities (e.g., reading)


这是et cetera(“and so forth; and the others; and other things; and the rest; and so on”:等等)的缩写。它放在列表的最后,表示前面的例子还没列举完,最后加个词“等等”。

I need to go to the store and buy some pie, milk, cheese, etc.

et al.

这是et alia(”and others; and co-workers”:等它人)的缩写。它几乎都是在列文献作者时使用,即把主要作者列出后,其它作者全放在et al. 里面。

These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002).

人的场合用et al,而无生命的场合用etc.(et cetera)。 et后不要加“.”,因为et不是缩写。另外,与etc.不同,et al.的前面不要逗号。


这是id est(“that is” , “in other words”:也就是)的缩写。目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点(不是像e.g.那样引入实例来形象化),意思是“那就是说,换句话说”。

There are three meals in the day (i.e., breakfast, lunch, and dinner)


这是videlicet( “namely”, “towit”, “precisely”, “that is to say”:即)的缩写,与e.g.不同,viz位于同位列表之前,要把它前面单词所包含的项目全部列出。

Each symbol represents one of the four elements, viz. earth, air, fire, and water.


指 subject to,受限制于…


Acronyms | Meaning | Description
– | – | –
FP | False PositiveNormal | traffic is detected as Intrusive
TP | True | PositiveIntrusive traffic is detected as Intrusive (Successful identification of attack)
FN | False | NegativeMalicious traffic is detected as Normal
TN | False | PositiveNormal traffic is detected as Normal (Successful identification of normal traffic)
ER | Errorrate | Misclassification rate of a classifier
DR | Detection Rate | Proportion of correctly classified intrusions to the actual size of attack class TPR True Positive Rate Its equivalent to Detection rate
Acc. | Accuracy | Denotes the total percentage of correctly classified intrusions
TeT/TeD | Testing Time | Time taken in testing phase
TT/TrD | Training Time | Time taken in Training phase TDR Total Detection Rate Percentage of total attack and normal class correctly detected NDR Normal Detection Rate Percentage of normal class that is correctly detected
ATD | Attack Detection rate | Percentage of attack class that is correctly detected
DDR | DoS Detection Rate | Percentage of DoS attack that is correctly detected
PDR | Probe Detection Rate | Percentage of Probe attack class that is correctly detected FAR | False Alarm rate | It is the addition of FNR and FPR.
FPR | False Positive Rate | Proportion of incorrectly classified intrusions to the actual size of attack class

参考 :http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-510768-1112873.html

